human-centered consulting and coaching
If there is no wind, take to the oars
Destitutus ventis, remos adhibe
If there is no wind, take to the oars
Destitutus ventis, remos adhibe
We activate the creativity of our clients and guide them to design systems and organizational practices inclusively for the benefit of all.
Through inclusive decision-making and capacity building, our clients
that lead to superior results and an empowered workforce.
Guided by compassion and a drive to improve results, we are a community of designers, researchers, and coaches with lived experiences in a variety of industries. We serve clients in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors.
Inspired by the phrase If there is no wind, take to the oars, Remos Collective takes its name from the Latin word for oars. The phrase reminds us that human ingenuity and perseverance can bring about progress even when conditions seem unfavorable.